Sunday, August 02, 2009

A Shameless Plug for the HLDW

Here's the scoop - in my prior post I wrote that the HLDW* was in line for a paying gig at the weekly alternative paper and that there might be a few hurdles. Well, we now know what the hurdles are. Evidently the Publisher has narrowed down the list of individuals that he wants to look at and is letting the readership help in the final decision. The week he published three pieces - one by the HLDW entitled Will Work Out for Hot Shower - and I am humbly (as humble as a Rhino can get) asking that you go read them here:

Stories of Hope

Then, and only then, if you like what the HLDW has written I would ask that you provide feedback to the paper. I want to stress that I only want you to do this if you think that she has the chops and the feedback is sincere.

From Publisher Kevin Moreau's editorial introducing the articles (with feedback directions):
We’ll be running other submissions, stories we either didn’t have room for this week or that take different approaches, in the coming weeks; your feedback on those stories, and these, will help us determine how we go about covering the recession—and who will help us do it. Drop us a line, either on our Web site, at or, and let us know what you think.
Until next week, be safe.

Well, there's you assignment ... now get cracking.


*Hippie Liberal Douche Wife

1 comment:

  1. Well it reads pretty well and even bought a tear of sympathy to my eye for the poor old Rhino...


Comments are welcome. However, being an ass may result in a horrible, albeit accidental, goring.