Stories of Hope
Then, and only then, if you like what the HLDW has written I would ask that you provide feedback to the paper. I want to stress that I only want you to do this if you think that she has the chops and the feedback is sincere.
From Publisher Kevin Moreau's editorial introducing the articles (with feedback directions):
We’ll be running other submissions, stories we either didn’t have room for this week or that take different approaches, in the coming weeks; your feedback on those stories, and these, will help us determine how we go about covering the recession—and who will help us do it. Drop us a line, either on our Web site, at or, and let us know what you think.
Until next week, be safe.
Well, there's you assignment ... now get cracking.
*Hippie Liberal Douche Wife
Well it reads pretty well and even bought a tear of sympathy to my eye for the poor old Rhino...